Sunday, September 26, 2010

Concrete Jungle-Around COS Kalsu-The PT Clinic

Establishing the Physical Therapy Clinic
I've been here about 2wks now and I have been keeping busy trying to set up my physical therapy clinic with my PT tech.  We are inside a big tent, it reminds of MASH.  Fortunately most things I needed for the clinic were already in place.  We have spent most of our time cleaning up the place, organizing it the way we want it, some admin stuff, and of course establishing a patient load.  I've set my clinic hours for M-F 0800-1700 and Saturday 0900-1200 w/ afternoons reserved for training.  Sundays off! 
I labeled this entry concrete jungle because it's everywhere, we have T walls surrounding all living areas and all buildings.  It makes it a little but dreary setting but hey I'll get my own CHU soon, I have running water, and flushing toilets...can't complain.  The dining facility here is not to bad, they have a pretty good selection of food.  If you're willing to wait, the big hit is the stir fry line.  Also a favorite is the sandwich bar which runs 24hrs.  We also have a Pizza Hut and coffee place...not starbucks but close.  There is a little many PX as well.  I just found out where the softball fields and soccer fiields are located.  They are dirt fields of course.  We have a gym, not quit as big as the gym in Kuwait but it gets the job done.  However, the weight machines are much more geared for guys than girls.  There is a "Bizarre", where they bring local nationals in daily to sell us stuff.  It's not as exciting as it sounds, the second you walk in their area you start getting hassled and people start calling you "Captain, Captain, come here".  There is also a small Rec center where we can watch movies, read books, play cards, play video games, or play ping pong! 
Probably the prized possession of COS Kalsu is the Chapel.  The Chapel is the biggest of any base in Iraq.  It's in a wooden building which is a step up from the tents.  I started going to a women's bible study held at the chapel every Wednesday.  The Regiment's priest just arrived this week and we had our 1st Catholic mass here today!  I volunteered to become a Eucharistic Minister and get a class on it this week.
That's about all the excitment that's going on right now.  I just found out I should be moving into my own CHU Today!

Outside the Troop Medical Clinic

Myself with the outgoing Physical Therapist

Entrance of my clinic

Cardio Area

The tent my clinic is housed. Evac platoon and patient hold also reside in this tent

The Concrete Jungle.  T walls surround every building here.

The "Neighborhood"

One of the many obstacles we sometimes run into on the way to the Dining Facility


  1. Whoever though "your" first clinic would be in Iraq!

    We are so proud of you!



  2. Wow!!! Thank you so much for sharing all this information and pictures. It really educates us on what is going on over there. You and the outgoing PT were the shining lights of the story. I know your clinic is set up perfectly and you are going to brighten the lives of all you meet. We love you and pray for you constantly. Aunt Laura

  3. It was great to Skype with you the other day. We are all always so happy when you update your "blog". Well..I have to say I feel good knowing you are in a concrete jungle..even if it isn't the prettiest scenery is the safest a mom of a soldier...I love it!
    I know God is with you in all you do and you serve Him well! As usual..I just have to say it again...we are all sooo proud!
    Here is a great big hug going your way.
    I love you,

  4. I love all the pictures!! Having Sunday's off and a Pizza Hut sounds like a pretty nice set up:)

  5. Thanks for keeping us all updated over here! Loved seeing how it all looks- until you see the pictures, you just can't imagine it. Hope everything is running smoothly by now!

  6. I love your blog! And I love you! Hope everything is well, I miss you and am so proud of you. Keep the posts coming!

  7. Hey cousin! Thanks for the blog. I love it. Looks like you have some pretty excitinnopportunities over there. I can't wait to continue to hear the stories as they come. The base looks incredibly large -- exactly how large is it? Primarly all combat troops?

    What are you living in until you receive your CHU? Do thy have a Holiday Inn Express or something? Can you send more pictures of daily live from the base? It is so interesting to me.

  8. Good luck with everything. I was with the 3rd ID.
    Go Sledgehammer, hooah!

  9. When you hear the incoming siren, hit the deck STAT!
