Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kuwait Part 2

Well I finally am able to write on the blog again.  I am only able to sign in when I'm using a USO computer, otherwise all the sign in prompts show up in Arabic.  Try as I might, I have not been able to figure out how to sign in when the prompts are in Arabic.  I've officially been here a week!  Camp Beurhing actually has a lot to offer.  There are 2 coffee places...and one is even a Starbucks!  They offer Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and Subway.  I haven't visited any of those places, I just go for the free food at the dining facility.  The 1st days here were very busy b/c we had to undergo some mandatory training prior to going into Iraq.  We even did rollover training where they have a an actual Humvee and MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle) hooked up to some crazy contraption and they simulate a rollover.  They spin u around to disorient you and then stop while the vehicle is upside down, u then have to figure out how to get out the vehicle while your hanging upside down by your seat belt.  It was much harder to accomplish than I though it would be. 
Now that I have completed mandatory training I get to start working as a physical therapist again!  The clinic here is brand new and they are letting us use some rooms for sick call and PT while 3d ACR is still in Kuwait.  I thought about trying to describe a typical day to y'all but every day as been different.  The day usually revolves around when the next meal will be because it takes so long to get to the dining facility (DFAC).  It's 1/2 a mile to 3/4 a mile from the tents.  Everything around here is a long walk away so you really have to plan accordingly.  You also have to make sure you have 5 things on you every time you leave the sleep tent: "Eye Pro" (sunglasses or clear glasses), ID card, Weapon, Camelback, and reflective belt.  The Docs and I hang out with and  I always double check each other to make sure we are squared away. 
Part of the day involves finding some place to get on the internet.  We found out about the starbucks and it seems to have the best connection.  You can use your own computer at Starbucks and get on for an unlimited amount of time vs the USO where you have to wait in line and only get 20 minutes.  We also have to plan when to take bathroom breaks....b/c there are limited flushable toilets at the camp we have to choose our bathroom breaks wisely to avoid using the portapottis.  The MWR and USO offer some nice activities for the soldiers to help pass the time.  Today I learned how to make a bracelet out of 550 cord, a type of rope that Soldiers use anything and everything...hence the name, inferring there are 550 uses for the rope.  Yesterday 3 Comedians from the states came to the camp and gave a 1hr comedy show, it was pretty funny.  The day before that I was able to catch the movie Vampires Suck at the small movie theater here. I have even been convinced to do a couple of Zumba classes.  The camp really makes the most of what its got.  Everything is in either a tent or trailer but it works.  Kuwait hasn't been to bad thus far.  We'll have to see what Iraq will bring.


  1. It is always so great to get an update from you...I really love the USO..thank you USO for setting this up for all our soldiers! I really enjoyed talking to you as well!I am especially happy to hear you get to start helping soldiers with your PT are starting your "Outlier" resume!Go Nikki ...go!!!:)

  2. Alright Nikki Coco! Sounds like home away from home. So glad you are going to be able to brush up on your Zumba skills. Can't wait for you to tear it up on the dance floor at Amber's wedding. Rollover training sounded intense. One more thing to add to your resume. Sorry about the bathroom situation. Could we send you some Depends? I love you, still thinking of and praying for you ALL THE TIME! All the time....God is good!!!!

  3. Not sure why last post was from Dolce Vita although I do love Italy and The Sweet Life. Anyhow that was from me Aunt Laura

  4. sounds like it really is like army summer camp, keep up the good work, maybe i'll hop into a zumba class to keep up with you!

  5. LOU BABY OR PAPA adding a comment: Nicky do you recall the story the comedian Dick Shawn (He appears inthe original movie THE PRODUCERS)"YOU CAN ADJUST TO ANYTHING",This is true for you when you mentioned the forty females in your tent... There goes your privacy!! HA-HA---We are certainly glad that you are adjusting to the enviorment!! Love YA-YA & PAPA-PAPA

  6. Plan your bathroom breaks? Who would of known the skills you are acquiring...LOL. Love ya-

  7. Nicole-
    I can only imagine your moves in Zumba and how they are similar to the days when we took dance with Nancy :) It sounds like you have adjusted pretty well despite limited bathroom and internet options and I'm sure that everyone is glad to have your services. Looking forward to the next blog!

  8. Nicole-
    I can only imagine your moves in Zumba and how they are similar to the days when we took dance with Nancy :) It sounds like you have adjusted pretty well despite limited bathroom and internet options and I'm sure that everyone is glad to have your services. Looking forward to the next blog!
