Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pictures!...to go along with the previous post

One of the dogs of the K9 Handlers

A picture of 'My Crew' at the Dining Facility (DFAC)

What it looks like outside my living area.

Squadron Headquarters

Outside my Room

A few pictures of my room

I'm still trying to find the right adapter to get the coffee pot to work.

My friend accidentally fried my Wii...RIP Wii

A picture of the trauma bay at the Troop Medical Clinic (TMC)

A picture of me getting 'Patched' by the Squadron Commander

They posted a fancy sign outside the tent.  I'm official now!

The Halloween Decorations my Mom sent me. I decided to use it for the clinic.

Stetson Time for the Re-enlistment Ceremony

SSG Christensen and I waiting to begin the ceremony.

Administering the Oath to SSG C for Re-enlistment

Congratulating her after the fact

I threw this in b/c I knew my dad would like to see someone saluting me.  SSG C is thinking me after the ceremony.

A picture of the church
One last photo of my room, it kind of got out of place in the mix here...sorry.
 This is my 'recliner'

That's all the pics for now.  If you didn't read the last post please do so! Some of the pictures go along with the post.


  1. Thanks for posting the great pictures, especially the one of you being saluted!

    Love Dad

  2. Wow...all the pictures look great..ditto of your Dad's words.. of course my favorites are the pics of your clinic decorated for Halloween and the reenlistment ceremony...too cool! I continue to be amazed at your life in the sand and all you do!
    I love you,
    P.S. Are you ready for some turkeys and Pilgrims and Indians? They will be in your next care package.

  3. So...have you been going without coffee or do you just have to go to the mess hall? Do you want us to try to find you another adapter? I'm really concerned about this coffee situation because I know I would be no fun to be around without caffeine.
    Love you!!!! Aunt Laura

  4. Oops...Just noticed it is now called "The Dining Facility". Much nicer than "The Mess Hall".

    :) Aunt Laura

  5. ...Have I mentioned that you're awesome...?

  6. Oh no! How can nicole survive with out coffee! At least she has nutella on the way....;-)
