Monday, December 6, 2010

Moving, Thanksgiving in Iraq, and prepping for the Holidays

Hello again everyone!  There has been a lot going on here at Kalsu.  Before Thanksgiving we moved the Troop Medical Clinic into a new building!!  I don't have to work out of tent anymore! My lungs are thankful daily.  The move was a little hectic but everyone worked together and got it done.  All the medics and providers are little happier now that we are in the new clinic.
We kept very busy on Thanksgiving Day.  We started off running in a T-Giving 5k at 630 in the morning.  Several people from my troop ran in the race.  I ended up getting second for females right behind one of the lawyers I do movie night with. Pics below.  Next myself and one of the docs watched the Regimental Support Squadron's dodge ball tournament.  I decided to opt out of playing...didn't want to risk any broken fingers.  COS Kalsu has their big Thanksgiving celebration at lunch.  Officers and Senior NCO's took turns serving Thanksgiving meal to the Troopers.  They decorated the entire Dining Facility with a Wizard of Oz theme.  The Commander of 1st ID, Brigadier General Gibbs, also visited and met with Soldiers for a short time.  The DFAC staff tried to do Thanksgiving right, serving turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and of course plenty of desserts to choose from.  After lunch I was roped into playing in a volleyball game....I managed to find a replacement for the second game.  Volleyball really isn't my sport.  In the evening there was a Protestant/Gospel Thanksgiving service.  Being Catholic this was new for me, especially the Gospel part.  Everyone was very animated. The service consisted of readings, singing and testimonies.  I was also introduced to praise dancing for the 1st time which is a staple at the Gospel service every Sunday. I  ended the evening getting online with my family through skype.  Many of them celebrated Thanksgiving in Virginia Beach together.  Although Thanksgiving was a little different this year, I was very thankful for all I had and the people praying for me.  

Everyone here is getting excited for Christmas! There has been a real effort to get everyone into the Christmas spirit.  Thank you to everyone who has sent Christmas decorations!    I have used most of them to decorate my clinic and a few things to decorate my room as well.  It has really brightened up the clinic for this time of year.  The Regimental and Squadron headquarters are almost competing against each other to see who has the best Christmas display.  My squadron is having a Chu decorating contest to be judged on Christmas Eve.  Christmas Eve is full of events to participate in.  I'll be playing in a softball tournament on the 24th if I can procure a  lefty glove.  MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!  I'll try to post a Christmas blog before I go on leave for my sister's wedding in January.
Check out the latest pictures prepared, there is a lot this time:

The entrance to my new office

Therapeutic Exercise Room

Modalities area: Freezer and moist hot packs, although the hydrocollator that holds the moist hot packs got damaged in the move.

Entrance to the storage room.  We didn't have a storage area in the tent, so this is really nice to have.

Inside the storage room, lots of physical therapy 'toys' in here.

Here's my new office!

Soldier's in my troop getting ready for the 5k

Me and my 'battles'

This is Cat, one of the lawyers with the Regiment.  We had just finished the race.

This is me and my Squadron Commander who also competed.

After the race we received medals and certificates of appreciation

Post race excitement!

A view from the stands of the Dodge ball game.

The DFAC set-up for Thanksgiving

Maybe not the best least they tried

We even had a yellow brick road leading to the Emerald City.

Here's part of my "Iraq Family" celebrating Thanksgiving.

I couldn't resist a pic with Dorothy and the Lion.

Our cool chef hats we wore while serving the meal

That is Brigadier General Gibbs thanking the Wizard of Oz crew

Here is me attempting to play volleyball

I swear that spells out Happy Bday, use your imagination

Celebrating another B-day in Iraq; Happy Birthday Angela!

A couple of pics of our new clinic.  This is the trauma bay.

Here is the main lobby.

My 'cousin' SPC Hall showing off her Christmas spirit with some antlers sent to me in a care package.

Another gift from a care package, I make all my patients sign in with this pen now.

Just wanted to show off some of my clinic decorations.

I received 25 care packages in one day!! Most came from a wonderful church in Texas, ST Edith's.  Thank you so much.  I believe I gave away all but 2 or 3 of the boxes which was mostly things I received from my immediate family.

Here's the banner from my Mom's class!! It now resides in the main lobby of the Troop Medical Clinic. Soldier's love it.

Here I am trying to get in the Christmas spirit.

We had  a BBQ with the firefighters (who helped with our move) to celebrate our move into the new TMC.

A picture with all the officers in Medical Troop

This display is on Tiger Squadron Headquarters.

These pics got a little out of order, but this is my clinic before the move. I taped everything out before hand to determine the layout.

Some decorations I had in my room for Thanksgiving.  The pumpkins our from the FT Hood PT clinic, I received some fall leaves from a class out of Livingston, TX.

A couple Soldiers that worked hard to help me organize the clinic.

This is how the clinic looked before it was organized.

Getting a little carried away.


  1. Great pictures! We see you are sharing your goodies and spreading cheer wherever you go!! We wish all the troops and you a very Merry Christmas! May God continue to bless and protect you! We can't wait until your break!

  2. Nice pictures! Hope you had a great thanksgiving and christmas! Been praying and thinking of you a lot. As I go through the enlistment process in the USAF I think of a particular cool Captain I'd like to be like. Until next time, be safe and have fun!
