Friday, August 6, 2010

The Beginning

Friends and Familia,

After speaking with many of y'all, I figured the easiest way to communicate with everyone when I'm deployed is by starting a blog.  So here it is!  It will be a work in progress for some time as I'm not very tech savy, so bear with me.  I want to start off by thanking everyone who made it to my pre-deployment party this past weekend in Houston.  It was amazing to see all the love and support I have here and more importantly the prayers I'll be receiving when I'm deployed.  It was great to see so many people throughout the day. I feel very blessed. Thank you to my grandmother Mimi for lending her home and giving the food and my Mom for organizing the whole event. 
As for info on the deployment here's what I know so far:
Location: FOB Kalsu, Iraq
When I leave:  I'm suppose to leave between August 25-August 27th.  I get 2 wks of R&R leave during the deployment which I plan on taking in January for my sister's wedding.
Who I'm going with:  I will attached to 3d Armored Calvary Regiment based out of FT Hood.
What I'll be doing:  I'm a physical therapist, so I'll be doing just that.  My purpose will be to treat Soldiers with musculoskeletal injuries sustained during deployment.
Address for Care packages:   
Captain Nicole HallMed Troop, RSS, 3d ACR
COS Kalsu
APO AE  09312
*Please do not send anything until September.  Care packages I believe take around 2wks to arrive. 

I met several of the people I will be working with for the next year while I did training in the Mojave Desert in May.  It's a great group of people that I know will make the deployment go by much easier. I will be working in an Aid Station which consists of Lab, dental, X-ray, and a trauma bay.  

It's a bittersweet feeling realizing I will be gone for a year.  The physical therapists I have talked to that have been deployed say it's the most rewarding experience professionally that they have ever had.  I know it will be hard getting used to not seeing my friends and family on a regular basis.  I'm planning on starting a deployment 'to do list' of things to accomplish to pass the time when I'm not working.  I'll try to post the list at a later time...we'll see what I actually accomplish while I'm there.

That's all I have for now.  I'll continue to give updates when I get them.

-Nicole :)


  1. Your favorite brotherAugust 6, 2010 at 2:13 PM

    Wow, first the Kindle, now a are becoming high tech. Also, 3,000-4,000 soldiers?! You are going to be ridiculously busy!

  2. your favorite cousin
    I'm impressed. Before last year I didn't even know what a blog was! Be sure to write often!

  3. Wow...this is so incredible..I know if you keep up this blog it will be published and become a best seller! I am soooo proud of you!!!!

  4. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers, Nicole! I hope the year flies by for you!!

  5. Great "to do" favorite part of your list is that God is number one..I have to tell you again..I am soooo proud! I love you!!!!

  6. The Schweiboldi FamiliaAugust 17, 2010 at 5:03 PM

    Nicole, please post a list of luxuries or necessities we can send occasionally. Your intrepid father suggested Scope and live Maine lobsters.

  7. Will definitely follow your blog. I admire you for wanting to read the Bible through! Don't allow Leviticus-Deuteronomy stop the process. Will be praying for a safe and rewarding year.

  8. Take care of yourself. If you great uncle Bob Crabb survived Khe Sahn and only got shot once, you should be OK. I will be following for the next year. Good luck and always remember that you are safer on the ground than standing up.

  9. your relitive, great uncle bob, hang in there. i am sure you will adapt with no problem. other than being brand new. you will have all the rules to learn. just do what is said and to always keep your ear out for incomeing or posible explosions. keep calm at all times.
    do not be shy about hitting the dirt.

  10. Take care, Nicole! Will be thinking of you and praying for you constantly. Love the blog idea! What a great way for all of us to stay in touch and up to date with all that's going on. Just remember God's protection is going with you. Stay safe.

  11. Dear Nicole - I would like very much to adopt you as my spiritual Godchild. I promise to keep the pressure on Upstairs. Believe me, I've had lots of experience. We are all amazed by you and what you are doing and know you will touch many lives in a strange land far away from home.
    God be with your and your fellow travelers on your journey. Love, Sharon (Mrs. Moynihan)

  12. LOU BABY OR PAPA comments: Nicky, do you remember the story of the comedian Dick Shawn (The original movie "THE PRODUCERS")"YOU CAN ADJUST TO ANYTHING" Well! it came true for you when you mentioned the forty females in the tent, there goes your privacy!! HA-HA We are glad that you"re adjusting well to the enviorment...

  13. Nicole:
    We hope you are doing well, we pray for you every day. Your mom was so sad when you left but I gave her the pep talk to get busy and quit crying, God will take care of the rest.
    Hope we see you at the wedding in January and I will write as often as possible.
    We are so proud of you, take good care. Luv, LuAnne and Todd and Karl
