Monday, August 23, 2010

Mail, the list, and Prayers

I will be heading out of here this Thursday so this may be my last post for a little while. I think internet access may be limited while I’m in Kuwait.  My sister, who lives in Australia, said the Australian papers are reporting US troops going to Kuwait this week.  I’m one of them!!  It's hard to put into words what I'm feeling right now.  I'm nervous and excited and ready to go.  Although it will be sad to leave family and friends behind for a year I know the opportunities and learning experiences I'll have while abroad will be endless.  To my family and friends:  Thank you again for all your support.

Alright, many of you have expressed interest in sending mail or care packages which is much appreciated. I’m going to break down how to do so.  To send letters just simply address your envelope to the address below:

Captain Nicole Hall
Med Troop, RSS, 3d ACR
COS Kalsu
APO AE  09312

*You’ll need to send the letter directly from the post office.

The cheapest way to send a care package is also through the post office.  Obtain a flat rate box and you can fit as much as want into it for one price no matter how heavy the box.  To send a care package you must fill out a customs form and list the items being sent…so try to remember what you’re stuffing into the box.

I keep getting asked by people what they should send.  I’ll be happy with whatever you want to send but here are some ideas for you…just a warning, I’m not to creative…and I’m sure my ideas of what I’ll want may change once I’m actually over there. Here’s my best effort right now.

  •    Letters
  •    M&M’s (lets hope it’s really true that they melt in your mouth and not in your hand)
  •    Gum, Twizzlers, skittles, starburst, runts…candies that can survive the heat
  •    Beef jerky
  •    Nuts 
  •       Nutella or peanut butter 
  •    Games 
  •    Magazines  
  •    Old Books
  •   Any KU paraphernalia…Rock Chalk!
  •     Hygiene items
  •  Anything you can think of that might help keep a person cool from the heat
  • Girlie stuff: nail polish, lotion, etc (Have to find ways to feel girlie when you wear ACU’s every day and are surrounded my men all the time)
  • Anything you can think to send to help pass the time
  • And of course your prayers!

*Remember it takes 2-3 wks to get mail.

Speaking of prayers, thank you so much for keeping me in your prayers.  I can only express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone  who will be remembering me and those I’m deploying with either with daily/weekly prayers or with prayer through their church.  I feel very blessed and loved.

That’s all I have for now.  Until next time…

-Nicole :)


  1. You left "Scope" off your list....


  2. Great definitely don't want to forget the "Scope" know you should gargle at least once a day...your dentist recommends it!!!

  3. When I was blessed with triplets and another son.. I was the proudest and happiest mom in the I have 4 grown children that are all unique and special in their own way..but,in three days I will have a daughter who is leaving to serve her country and fellow man in a strange land...I know right now this moment..God is looking down and blessing you with all that you will need..I love you and you know you are always in my thoughts and prayers!! I am sooo proud of you!!!!

  4. Hey Barbie dressed up in GI Joe clothes!!! T minus 48 hours until the biggest adventure of your life. God has placed you in this very moment at this exact time and He will carry through the next year on Eagle's Wings. You're probably gonna get sick of us telling you how much we love you, but too bad. WE LOVE YOU AND ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Go get 'em Tiger!!!

  5. Good luck Nicole! We'll be praying for you...good luck girl!

  6. By now you are on your way. Thank you for your service to our country. There are those in power who don't do enough to recognize the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. But not in my house. We love you guys, respect you guys, and will pray for one gal in particular. God bless you in all you do!
