Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm Official and To do lists

A person (to remain anonymous) really wanted  me to let y'all know that I have officially signed into 3d ACR!  Check one thing off the to do list.  Now I can get a stetson and look as cool as the other 3d ACR Soldiers.  That's right, as part of Calvary tradition, everyone gets to wear a stetson. (Notice, I figured out how to post pictures)

I learned today that Friday is Stetson wear day...or you can just wear it any time you feel like it.  I guess I'll have to add buying a stetson hat on this weeks to do list.  Now that we are on the subject of to do lists, I have thought of a few things to keep me busy during deployment.  If y'all have any other bright ideas to help me pass the time while I'm not working, please let me know.
1.  Read the bible-I have read many parts of the bible, but never the whole bible. I figure this will be good to keep me going.
2. Become much better about Daily Meditation-I found out recently that meditating twice a day for just 10 minutes has proven health benefits such as reducing BP. Which is handy in a stressful environment.
3.  Read 2 books a month*..I put a star by this one to add the caveat that books like War and Peace (1000ish pages) may take longer than 1 month to finish.  I figure I'll have plenty of time to read.  Now that I have the Nook it makes it much easier to take books with me. 
4.  Learn Italian-I lot of people wonder why I want to learn Italian.  I have been to the country twice and fell in love with the language.  I have a little bit of a background as I took a whole semester of the language my senior yr of college for fun.  I vowed to continue but hit a road block with PT school.  I'm bringing language CDs with me on the deployment
5. Workout at least 5 days a week.  Hopefully this will be an easy one for me, but I've been really slacking on my workouts lately. I hear you either gain a lot of weight or lose a lot of weight during deployment, I want to be on the losing end.
6. Join a weekly bible study
7. Skype family and friends on a regular basis (let me know if u want to be added to my skype contact list)
8.  Hand write letters home to family...especially the ones that are not tech savvy....at least once a month

*That's all I have so far, but I'm sure I'll have more to do's to add to the list.

I had another great weekend spending time with my parents, brothers, grandparents and my Uncle's family at their lake house on Lake Travis.  I have 2 more weekends to go in the states!

THANK YOU EVERYONE for the great responses to my 1st Blog post.  I didn't know so many people would be interested.  Y'all can all keep me accountable on my deployment to do list.

-Nicole :)


  1. I posted my comment for today on the beginning page comments..soo..see there for my thoughts on today's post...I love you and I am sooo proud!!!

  2. looks great nicole!!! i hope your transition getting settled goes well and you can get started on your to-do list soon. :) have a safe trip there!

  3. You want a season of Glee sent to you? If so what season? Any other show you're interested in?
